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Melhor reciclar

Na era da defesa global da neutralidade carbónica, a reciclabilidade nas embalagens dos produtos é um desafio fundamental para as empresas. Tradicionalmente, óleos, água e xaropes dependiam de camadas multimateriais complexas, complicando a reciclagem e contribuindo para a poluição.

Comprometida com práticas ecológicas, nossa empresa é pioneira em materiais de película fina. Apresentamos a Caixa Reciclável Pure PE em Saco, uma bolsa monomaterial para bebidas. Esta solução inovadora reduz drasticamente a pegada de carbono, diminui a dependência do petróleo e é facilmente reciclável.

Em comparação com embalagens rígidas




Em linha com o compromisso da empresa com o desenvolvimento sustentável, a HANSIN se dedica à criação de uma série de
dispensadores e tampas recicláveis. Esses acessórios são feitos de um único material de polietileno e utilizam luz natural
cores para reduzir o uso de corantes. Isso ajuda os usuários a aproveitar o produto, ao mesmo tempo que facilita a reciclagem e a reutilização, contribuindo para um produto ecologicamente correto e
solução de embalagem flexível sustentável.

At Hansin Packing, we are commited to sustainablity and innovation, Here are some ofour green initiatives that are making a diferenceSolar Power: Nearly half of the energy used in our factory is generated by solar panels. infrared Nano-Heating Technology: Thiscutting-edge technology ensures eficient and eco-friendly production. Waste Heat Recovery: We've implemented a waste heat recoverysolution for our alr compressors, optimizing energy use and reducing our carbon footprint. join us on our joumney towards a greenerfuture!
  • Product Carbon Footprint
    In 2024, we verified that our metallized bags meet the ISO 14067:2018 standard for Product Carbon Footprint, Using life cycle assessment data, we calculated the product's direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from cradle to qate, This achievement underscores our ongoing commitment to reducing our carbon footprint and safeguarding the environment.
  • Solar energy power supply 45%
    Hansin Packing's Plant 1 and Plant 2 are fully powered by solar energy, with solar power accounting for 45% of the total electricity supply. This initiative significantly reduces reliance on traditional energy sources and reflects the company's long-term commitment to sustainability. Hansin Packing is dedicated to enhancing production efficiency through green energy, minimizing its carbon footprint, and driving environmental innovation for a sustainable future that benefits both the company and the planet.
  • Solvent-free Lamination
    For many years, HANSlN has made the decision to eliminate solvents from the adhesives used in lamination. This commitment helps protect theenvironment and allows us to offer our customers more eco-friendly GREEN bags.
  • Infrared Nano-Heating Technology
    The resistance heating system on our SXGM-3*1600 film extrusion machine has a heating capacity of 70 kW, operating 7,200 hours annually with a total electricity consumption of 151,200 kWh. By upgrading to infrared nano-heating, we've reduced energy consumption by 30%, saving 46,000 kWh each year. This cutting-edge technology improves both operational efficiency and environmental sustainability.